Disposable wrap

Can unused wrapped items be re-sterilized reusing the original wraps?

When unused sterile instrument sets are returned from the OR or patient floors our policy is to re-sterilize the sets. Since these were unopened we inspect the wrap to be sure there are no holes, replace the tapes and labeling and re-sterilize the item.

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Returning jewelry(explants) to clients

Do not buy or sell used body jewelry brnskll dot com

An interesting observation on safety issues raised in returning contaminated items such as jewelry to clients, as voiced by this medical professional’s concerns for their patients. It is evident that infection control measures should be carefully considered when previously worn jewelry or other contaminated personal items are to be returned to a customer.

Please regard the discussion in the comments below


I am an OR nurse and recently started a new job in a prestigious orthopedic hospital. At the request of a surgeon or patient when implants are removed we have been cleaning and flashing them  and returning them to the patient in a plastic bag.

[NOTEFlashing is an outdated term for sterilizing items unwrapped for immediate use]


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Working with a STATIM autoclave

Practical information about your STATIM sterilizer

Statim G4 & Classic 2000, 5000, 7000, & 900 (Stattoo)

These details and suggested practices should help you better understand and streamline your workflow for Body Artists

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Medical Device Regulation: US or EU

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act In the States, medical devices are regulated by the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Then called the Food and Drug Act, it was the first piece of legislation to result from investigative journalism, namely a novel titled “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair. Sinclair described the filthy conditions of pre-WWI Chicago stockyards … Read more