Ryan Ouellette from Precision Body Arts follows up with a witty and conscientious interview with my former apprentice Christina Blossey of Piercing Experience.
Brian Skellie interviewed by Ryan Ouellette
An opportunity to share ideas with my colleagues hosted by Ryan Ouellette from Precision Body Arts.
Check out his podcast for interesting discussions with piercers, including my former apprentice Christina Blossey of Piercing Experience.
My guest on the Piercing Wizard Podcast this week is Brian Skellie. We talk about sterilization, jewelry materials, and his journey from piercing fan to piercing authority.
Listen for free on itunes apple podcasts, google podcasts, or stream from the link below.
Ryan Ouellette: November 9 at 6:34pm · Nashua, NH, United States ·
#Propiercersleague 2017
Brian Skellie comes to Brasil for 5th International Tattoo Convention of Joinville #propiercersleague
Avoid Long Delays in Instrument Decontamination, Reprocessing
Leaving instruments unprocessed for any period of time can lead to the development of biofilm. The recommendation is to begin the cleaning process as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, a number of manufacturer’s instructions for use (IFUs) are now specifying the time frame that cleaning should be implemented. This ranges from “immediately after use” to “within 10, 20 or 30 minutes;” it varies with the device/instrument manufacturer. The manufacturer’s IFUs should always be followed.
2016 BMXnet event interview on needles, steel and wound care
Here is a 22 minute interview that I did at BMXnet this year for Russian colleagues.
(In English with Russian subtitles)
- The first question was: Can a professional piercers use a catheter?
- The second question was about the use of steel for totally healed piercing.
- The last question: What way of care is correct for a fresh piercing?
Unrelated, but interesting in light of the recent election and psychohistory:
Interview by Sean Dowdell for InkSpired magazine
Piercing InkSpired (PDF Download) Sean Dowdell of InkSpired Magazine interviews APP President Brian Skellie Let me know what you think!
President’s Corner The Point 70
As President of the Association of Professional Piercers, I have a regular editorial column in The Point magazine.
Issue 70 editorial
By Brian Skellie
APP President
Sir Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law states: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Had I been at Arthur’s elbow as he wrote those words, I’d have suggested adding: “to the uninformed observer.”
Bacterial Hand Contamination and Transfer after Use of Contaminated Bulk-Soap-Refillable Dispensers
American Society for Microbiology Bacterial Hand Contamination and Transfer after Use of Contaminated Bulk-Soap-Refillable Dispensers. Another reason not to refill bulk soap or antiseptic dispensers. Because of this is is particularly important to use single dose skin preparation solutions, as bulk dispensers post known problems.
President’s Corner The Point 69
As President of the Association of Professional Piercers, I have a regular editorial column in The Point magazine. Issue 69 editorial Some of the most fundamental ideas about piercing are those that are most intriguing and still relevant to question. What materials are available now to make jewelry for initial healing and prolonged wear in the … Read more
“Didn’t Wash Hands” Alarm
Our friends at the CDC created a helpful website about hand washing, which is worth the time to read through. I particularly appreciate their “Show me the science” section. ;) How to make your own “Didn’t Wash Hands” Alarm | MAKE. Big brother says, “wash your hands” More on Germ theory by How Stuff Works: Related: … Read more