A short presentation about OPTIM 33TB, my preferred One-step cleaner disinfectant
See the presentation:
Check out the Optim 33TB demonstration video of effective cleaning power
OPTIM 33TB wipes en Español
More information from CDC HICPAC and William Rutala
Rutala, Weber. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014;35:855-865
- Broad spectrum-wide antimicrobial spectrum
- Fast acting-should produce a rapid kill
- Remains Wet-meet listed kill/contact times with a single application
- Not affected by environmental factors-active in the presence of organic matter
- Nontoxic-not irritating to user
- Surface compatibility-should not corrode instruments and metallic surfaces
- Persistence-should have sustained antimicrobial activity
- Easy to use
- Acceptable odor
- Economical-cost should not be prohibitively high
- Soluble (in water) and stable (in concentrate and use dilution)
- Cleaner (good cleaning properties) and nonflammable
Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008
William A. Rutala, Ph.D., M.P.H., David J. Weber, M.D., M.P.H., and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
Frequently Asked Questions
William A. Rutala, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Question: How should readers interpret the recommendation about contact time for disinfectants used on noncritical items? There seems to be a disconnect between the label instructions and what the studies show.
In order to get EPA clearance of the CDC Guideline it was necessary to insert the sentences “By law, all applicable label instructions on EPA-registered products must be followed. If the user selects exposure conditions that differ from those on the EPA-registered product label, the user assumes liability from any injuries resulting from off-label use and is potentially subject to enforcement action under FIFRA”. There are several points that should be made about this apparent disconnect between label instructions and what studies show to include:
- multiple scientific studies have demonstrated the efficacy of hospital disinfectants against pathogens causing healthcare-associated infections with a contact time of at least 1 minute;
- the only way an institution can achieve a contact time of 10 minutes is to reapply the surface disinfectant 5-6 times to the surface as the typical dry time for a water-based disinfectant is 1.5-2 minutes and currently, healthcare facilities like UNC Health Care are achieving surface disinfection of non-critical patient care items and environmental surfaces by one application of a disinfectant and requiring a >1 minute dry time;
- equally important as disinfectant contact time is the application of the disinfectant to the surface or equipment to ensure that all contaminated surfaces and non-critical patient care equipment are wiped as current studies demonstrate that only approximately 50% of high-risk objects are cleaned at terminal cleaning;
- there are no data that demonstrate improved infection prevention by a 10 minute contact time versus a 1 minute contact time; and
- we are not aware of an enforcement action against health care facilities for “off label” use of a surface disinfectant.
Thus, we believe the guideline allows us to continue our use of low-level disinfectants for noncritical environmental surfaces and patient care equipment with a 1 minute contact time. Additionally, all healthcare facilities should reemphasize the thoroughness of cleaning to ensure that all contaminated surfaces are wiped.
More about how optim 33tb stacks up compared to other disinfectants
Comparative studies:
- Optim : Biosurf
Optim 33 Tb has been proven to remain wet for the duration of the contact time as well as demonstrated cleaning ability and efficacy against difficult to kill pathogens such as Norovirus, while remaining essentially non-irritating to skin and eyes. AHP does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may contribute to poor air quality.
- Optim : Cavicide Caviwipes
Optim 33 Tb has been proven to remain wet for the duration of the contact time as well as demonstrated cleaning ability and efficacy against difficult to kill pathogens such as Norovirus, while remaining essentially non-irritating to skin and eyes. AHP does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may contribute to poor air quality.
- Optim : Clorox
Clorox requires nearly 3X more hydrogen peroxide to achieve similar germicidal efficacy as Optim 33 TB, but as a direct result compromises the toxicity profile of the product. Potent disinfectants are easy to formulate, however the challenge is to remain potent and minimize toxicity. Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (AHP) has accomplished this like no other. Optim 33 TB remains essentially non-irritating to eyes and skin and carries the lowest EPA toxicity rating possible (Category IV) while achieving rapid, broad spectrum disinfection. Optim 33 TB’s consistent contact times are also likely to mitigate confusion and ensure accurate product use.
Further discussion on Optim 33TB for temperature sensitive jewelry items
As a minimum standard we should sterilize anything that can be autoclaved, and use an appropriate cleaner/disinfectant on items that can not be. The buck stops with you. Due diligence is required for anything going into the human body. Sterilization is preferred to High Level Disinfection whenever possible, as HLD is not perfect no matter what you use.
I’ve been encouraging jewelry companies that produce temperature sensitive items to sell them in display packaging sealed and sterilized by low temperature means such as ETO or Gamma to save us trouble. Optim 33TB cleaner/disinfectant is harmless to all jewelry materials I’ve tested, it gives a 10 log 6 (million to one) germ reduction in one minute, does not alcohol have anything harmful in it, and breaks down into oxygen and water. It’s the best choice I’ve found as far as disinfectants go, until someone starts sterilizing such things. There are a few other options, but most of them have alcohol which can crack and craze materials, and leave residues like CHG, ammonia or other harsh chemicals.
The importance of cleaning and disinfecting temperature sensitive natural/organic jewelry can not be understated. It is important to remove or destroy the germs such as MRSA or C.Diff that the carvers or parts sorters can deposit on jewelry while it is made. The Pseudomonas or mycobacteria that settled on the jewelry in your stock is also an issue to contend with. Optim 33TB can clean and disinfect these items in 60 seconds with a wipe, and make them safer to wear, without leaving a harmful residue.
- disinfectionandsterilization.org
- Slides for more presentations by Dr Rutala
- Off-label use of one minute contact times for low-level surface disinfectants used on noncritical environmental surfaces and noncritical patient care equipment
- CDC Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008
- FDA-Cleared Sterilants and High Level Disinfectants with General Claims for Processing Reusable Medical and Dental Devices
- EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products
OPTIM Downloads
- Ordering Information
- OPTIM 33TB cleaning protocol
- OPTIM 33TB Brochure and Efficacy Sheet
- OPTIM Wipes Brochure
- Optim 33TB MSDS
- STAT-Wipes refills
- Like Optim 33TB on Facebook
Optim articles
- The Environmentally Friendly ‘Superbug’ Killer
- From SARS to Swine Flu
- Related: all-in-ONE instrument cleaner enzyme
OPTIM is effective against Coronavirus family.

More about Optim 33TB at the above link
Updated with more information :)