High Impingement Washing: A Vital Part of the Instrument Management Process

As described in High Impingement Washing: A Vital Part of the Instrument Management Process, how you place instruments in the Hydrim or other automated washers makes a difference. Proper care, maintenance and inspection, along with regular bioburden testing can ensure that your washing process is working, and instruments are coming clean.

If it is not clean, it can’t be sterilized!

TSP-PF Electrolyte

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Product Details
Brand: Savogran

No phosphates! Environmentally safe electrolyte. Works just like the trisodium phosphate we have recommended for years without the phosphate pollution.

1/2 cup per gallon distilled water.

The 16 oz. box makes four gallons of electrolyte. Low sudsing, clear, simply the right stuff

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