Sacred cows in infection control

Sacred Cows 11-13ICT-SSI-Prevention-report-cvrWhen Thomas Paine noted in 1776 that,

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right,”

he could not have imagined that he was describing a current tug-of-war that still exists in some operating rooms today.

From Infection Control Today

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SSI Prevention: Evidence-Based Practices Replace Lingering “Sacred Cows’ in the OR

Report Summary

This report explores the prevention of surgical site infections (SSIs) within the context of evidence-based practices replacing “sacred cows” in the operating room. It focuses on the critical practice of preoperative hair removal.

Editor’s Take

Although evidence-based practice has eclipsed so-called “sacred cows,” there are some questionable practices that may linger in operating rooms. These sacred cows — an idiom for something immune from question or criticism — are practices that lack scientific evidence and impede clinical progress. Over the last few years there has been a significant shift toward translational research to encourage practitioners to implement research into practice. A key component of that is embracing evidence-based practice.

Takeaways for Your Business

  • Discover how evidence-based practice is replacing practices that lack scientific evidence

  • Learn proper practices related to preoperative hair removal

  • Review how various guidelines and the medical literature address preoperative hair removal

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